domingo, 12 de abril de 2020


Hi everyone. You know that from now on we’ll work in our virtual class. So go to the school website and continue learning. See you soon!

lunes, 6 de abril de 2020


Espero que tanto vós como as vosas familias esteades ben. Xa queda menos!!

                                                                   "movimiento en pausa" by Paralela is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 

Imaxino que neste período de cuarentena están cambiando bastantes cousas nas vosas vidas. Algunhas son negativas, pero outras son moi positivas.
Convídovos a reflexionar acerca destas cousas negativas (as que che están custando) e as cousas positivas (as que che están gustando) que o confinamento está tendo para vós.
Sería interesante compartilas co resto do grupo, así que podedes escribilas no apartado de ‘comentarios’ neste blog.
Feliz Semana Santa a tod@s! Vémonos pronto.

jueves, 2 de abril de 2020

CUALE 3rd April


Today we’ll revise how to give directions. First, let’s see how to read a map. 

Ready to refresh how to ask and give directions? Watch this video. It’s that easy!

Let’s see what you remember doing this quiz.

How about listening to directions and following them?
Listen and fill in the gaps.

Finally, to say goodbye we’ll listen to this wonderful song by The Beatles, “Penny Lane”.

See you on 14th April. Take care and enjoy your holidays!


                            "shopping mall" by ruihan yuan is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

What do you think is the most important thing to consider when buying an item of clothing or a fashion accessory? Do activity 5 on page 63.

Now listen to Anne and Harry discussing accessories and do  activities 6 and 7 on the same page.

When you go shopping, do you like going with your friends or just on your own? Do you want to know their opinion before buying? 
Let’s watch this video where two friends go shopping and see what they like.

Are you ready to give your opinion now? Let’s do exercise 1 on page 64 and check.

That’s all for now! See you on 14th April. 
Send the answers to my email.
Take care and enjoy your Easter holidays!

miércoles, 1 de abril de 2020

CUALE 2nd April


                                       "Taxi queue" by portable_soul is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 2.0 

Have you ever taken the wrong road, bus, train or plane?
Let’s listen to this story about a real journey and order the events here.
Now listen to the news story and learn what happened.
Do you think that might happen to you?

Now let’s revise the past forms of the verbs with this game.
Have fun!

martes, 31 de marzo de 2020

CUALE 1st April


Wow! It’s 1st April already! Time flies, doesn’t it?
I have just found out that on 15th March people celebrate True Confessions Day. Have you heard about it? Anyway, Let’s read about it and do a quiz.


Have you ever done something you felt embarrassed about or something you wouldn’t like to tell anyone?
In this video you’ll watch some people making confessions about their childhood naughty behaviour. Watch it and do the quiz.

lunes, 30 de marzo de 2020

CLASSWORK 31st March (3A) / 1st April (3B)


Today we’ll start unit 6, about fashion. 
Do you like fashion? Are you a fashion victim?

Let’s start by revising some vocabulary about clothes with this easy game.
Now, you’re ready to do exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 63.

There’s a place in London I really like. It’s called Candem Town. There you can find the Candem Market, with over 1,000 shops and stalls selling fashion, music, art and food. Let’s watch this video to learn about it and do the activities below it.

"Fashion meets music" by Liam Madden is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

Do you like to wear the same type of clothes as your friends or do you try to look a bit different?
You can write your comments on this blog, where it says ‘comentarios’ below.

domingo, 29 de marzo de 2020

CLASSWORK 30th March (3A) / 31st March (3B)


I guess you’d like to be together and enjoy your free time outdoors soon. But meanwhile we must stay at home, so we can do things we don’t usually have time to do, as reading a book for fun, so it’s a good time to share our reads and find out about our mates’ preferences. Don’t you think?

To start with, you must do some training first, so let’s read the example on page 61 of your student’s book and do exercise 5.

Before doing exercises 6 and 7, let’s revise some more things about adjectives and adverbs.

                                                                 This file is licensed by smilysmily under theiSLCollective Copyright License

Now, you know the difference between them and where to place them, you can do the exercises. If you have any doubts, you can contact me.

For more practice you have a good quiz here.

Finally, it’s time to write our review. Read the Writing in Action! box and follow the instructions. You must complete the chart first and use it to write your review. Try to write about 120 words in three paragraphs as in the model. Don’t forget to include adjectives and adverbs to make your writing more interesting.

If you need some help, you can find it here, where there is an explanation and useful language for your review.

jueves, 26 de marzo de 2020

TITORÍA 27th March

Como estades?

Non vos estresedes! Non tedes que traballar para titoría; pero como levamos tantos días confinados e confinadas nas casas, a forma de desenvolver a nosa vida cambiou bruscamente, o que pode ter unha serie de consecuencias a nivel psicolóxico. Para favorecer o benestar e a saúde mental, as persoas expertas nese campo fannos unha serie de recomendacións. Vamos a comprobar se as estás cumprindo respondendo a esta enquisa pensando nos días lectivos (luns a venres, non festivos).

"Think positive - illustrations" by simona bonafini is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

CUALE 27th March

Learning about the past

What do you know about the National Portrait Gallery?

Go to their website and answer the following questions:
  • Where is it?
  • What can you see there?
  • Can you visit it now? Why/Why not?
  • Are there any events for secondary school students?
Look at this picture. Do you know who these people are? Let’s listen and find out.

Now complete the statements:
1. He was king for _________________ months.
2. The government didn’t want them to get married because _________________.
3. The next King was _____________________.
4. They were together for ____________________.

How well do you know British History? Let’s do this quiz and find out.

There are also many portraits of Elizabeth II at the National Portrait Gallery. She’s the queen of the UK. Let’s find out more about her with this video. You can watch it and do the quiz at the same time.

"National Portrait Galley" by HarshLight is licensed under CC BY 2.0 

Now why don’t you choose one of the portraits at the National Gallery and explain who that person was? It doesn’t have to be a very long text. Just a few words so that we can learn more about British history. The texts you send will be published on this blog.

Please, don’t forget to send the answers to my email. Enjoy your weekend! 

miércoles, 25 de marzo de 2020

CUALE 26th March


There are many types of music. We call them music genres.
Click here to see some of them. Can you guess the genre?
You can send your guesses to my email.

Now, let’s watch a video about music and do the activities.
I guess you’ve learnt a little bit more about music. How about trying this quiz?

I think you’re ready to read about different ways to discover, buy and listen to music in the UK. Ready? Read the text and do the tasks below it. 

Finally, I guess you’d like to listen to a song. This is one you can complete online: Price Tag by Jessie J.

lunes, 23 de marzo de 2020

CUALE 25th March


Do you know what a blog is? Have you ever written a blog?
A blog (from ‘weblog’) is a discussion or informational website published on the web with informal dairy-style text entries, which we called ‘posts’. Just like the one you’re reading right now.

There are many people who write on blogs regularly so that other people may read or comment their posts. This is the case of Lara. Let’s read her blog and do the activities below.

Now try to find all the pronouns you can in the text. Are they subject pronouns or object pronouns? If you can’t remember the difference you can watch this video.

Now let’s have some practice.

Look at how the blog is written. You need to write a tittle, an author, the date and the body. The language you use is informal and you usually appeal to your readers. Why not trying writing a post? You have a layout here to complete about a trip you went on. Write your post and email it to me, please. Pay attention to pronouns!

CLASSWORK 27th March


This is something we often do. But do you remember how?

We must take into account the uses of the different forms of the past we have studied:

Now, let’s have some practice.

It’s time to take our student’s books. Go to page 60 and look at the pictures from the newspaper articles. Listen and do exercise 2. Now listen again and do exercise 3. Don’t forget to email the answers.

Let’s do some writing now. Do exercise 4 and answer the questions about picture A. Next, try to describe one of the pictures in the Action! box and send it to my email. If you feel like recording it, you can send a voice message instead of writing it. Why don’t you try?

CLASSWORK 24th March (3A) / 25th March (3B)


What do you know about Sherlock Holmes?
Watch this video and find out more facts about him. You can also check your comprehension and vocabulary by clicking on the links that appear below the video. Interesting, isn’t it?

Now, why don’t we read a short extract of one of his stories?
There’s one in your student’s book on page 59. Just some facts...
The Five Orange Pips is one of 56 short stories featuring Sherlock Holmes written by Sir Arthur Conan Doyle. It was first published in 1981. As its background, the story used the activities of the extremist group the Ku Klux Klan (KKK), who advocated white supremacy, often through violent means.

After reading the text, you can do exercise 7 by answering the questions. Once you’ve finished, we are ready to listen to the end of the story and do exercise 9 on the same page. You must listen and complete the sentences. Please, don’t forget to email them.

If you are interested in learning more about Sherlock, click here to watch a video and if you feel like visiting his museum, you can enjoy this tour.

domingo, 22 de marzo de 2020

CLASSWORK 23rd March (3A) / 24th March (3B)

How are you feeling today? You are used to expressing your feelings through emoticons. Aren’t you? But did you know that some emoticons have different meanings in different countries? 

Let’s watch a video and find out. Besides, while you are watching it, if you click on ‘game’ below the video, you can play the game by answering some questions. Ready?

Now you can do exercises 1, 2 and 3 on page 58 of you student’s book and send me the answers to my email, either a picture or a word/odt/pdf document.
Note: disgusted is a false friend. You usually use this word to mean how you feel when ‘algo te da asco’. 🤢🤮

What about adjectives? Can you remember the difference between adjectives ending in -ed and adjectives ending in    -ing?

Taken from:

Now, let’s do exercise 4 on page 58 of your student’s book. Please, try to be creative and don't forget to email it! 

Have a nice day!

sábado, 21 de marzo de 2020

21st March: World Poetry Day

Today is the World Poetry Day, so maybe you feel like reading a poem by one of the best American poets, Emily Dickinson. Besides it’s perfect for the occasion we are living to bring some HOPE.

If you prefer to listen to poetry, here is a good website where you can do it.


miércoles, 18 de marzo de 2020


Today is Father’s Day in Spain. Do you celebrate it? Do you buy a present  or make something for him? 

"Father's Day poster" by Karun Nair is licensed under CC BY-SA 4.0 

Try doing this crossword puzzle about this day.

What about reading about it? You can read this text about its origin and answer the questions online.

You can also listen to a girl shopping for her father’s present.

Finally, you can watch this video where kids say what they know about Father’s Day and give us some ideas for gifts. Enjoy!

Remember to say thanks to your dad, granddaddy, uncle or older brother. There’s always someone to thank. 

Happy Father’s Day!

martes, 17 de marzo de 2020

CUALE 18th March

Today we’d ( = we would) have CUALE lessons, so the ones who want to continue having them can join this post.

Let’s get started...

You know these days everyone’s talking about Coronavirus but... Do we know how to talk about it? 
Here’s a video on how to talk about Coronavirus. Before doing it, check some vocabulary you may need to understand and then do the quiz. It’s really interesting and fun.

On 17th March we celebrate Saint Patrick’s Day. It’s a very important day in Ireland, so we’ll take the occasion to learn something about Saint Patrick and Ireland. 

"" by is licensed under CC BY 2.0 

If you feel like making an effort, watch this video and choose the correct answers while watching.

If you don’t have much energy today, try with an easier one

Now maybe it’s time to learn some information about Dublin with this reading task and the interactive activities that follow it.



If you think you need more practice with Past Simple and Continuous, watch the video and answer the questions.

1. Why did Julia decide to make spaghetti?
2. What was she doing when the jar fell down?
3. What was she doing when she realized she had forgotten her wallet home?
4.  What did she do when she realized she had forgotten her wallet home?
5. What was Julia’s brother doing when he smelled smoke?
6. What was Mrs Brown doing when the fire started?
7. What happened while she was trying to put out the fire?
8. What was Isabella doing when all happened?

lunes, 16 de marzo de 2020


I hope everything’s fine at home.

Today we’ll refresh the differences between the Past Simple and Continuous and how to use them. Ready?

First, I’d like you to watch this video which can help you understand the difference between both.

Now, you can have some practice by trying the tests on this webpage.

Finally, you can have some fun and learn at the same time with this video.

Now, I guess you’re ready to put everything you’ve learned into pratice and do exercises 6 to 10 on page 57 of your student’s book.

Remember you can contact me to ask any questions you may have. 

Have a nice day!

domingo, 15 de marzo de 2020


Last year we learned the form and use of the Past Continuous. Can you remember that? If not, you can revise it watching the grammar show. There’s also some more information here and, finally, an explanation that some of you might find easier.

Try to practise with these interactive activities or these ones.

And now I think you are ready to do exercises 1, 3, 4 and 5 on page 56 of your student’s book. Please, try to send them by mail. Either a photo of your notebook or a word document. In case you’ve got any questions, contact me by email and I’ll try to help you. 

That’s all for today. Hope you’ve found everything interesting and easy.

viernes, 13 de marzo de 2020


If you want to refresh vocabulary about jobs. There are some easy and entertaining exercises here. If you want some more challenging activities try these.

"Illustrations | Series of avatars for gyPost webmail" by Anastasia Yevtushenko, Oleksandr Geffen Yaka Spectrum, Yaka Spectrum, Anatoliy Yarandin, Yaka Design… is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 


Hi, everyone! As you know some of you came to school in the morning but some didn’t, so we didn’t have class at all. That means that we didn’t check homework either.

The ones who haven’t written the email about a trip (you know you’ve got the model on p. 51 of your student’s book) must sent it to my email address.

On the other hand, the ones who haven’t read the text on pages 54 and 55 must read it and do exercises 4, 5 and 6.

If you have already done it, just relax during the weekend because that’s all for today!

Have a nice weekend and remember we must stay home for everyone’s sake!

"I'm staying home today" by Miriam Moshinsky is licensed under CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 

jueves, 12 de marzo de 2020


Welcome to this blog. Hope everyone’s fine at home. Try to be responsible and stay home for everybody’s sake. Here you’ll find some work to do. In case you’ve got any questions or doubts contact me via email. Thanks!


Hi everyone. You know that from now on we’ll work in our virtual class. So go to the school website and continue learning. See you soon!